Which was the last restaurant you visited or the product you used?

Did you ask anyone or searched for its review before?

Who was the one who recommended it to you?

Did you also share your experience with your close people?


Research shows human intelligence looks to share their happy experience, with their known ones more often. Also, the human mind is developed in such a way that: it tends to gain trust more easily when closed one shares their experience.


This excitement to share and trust the recommendation had given rise to Word-of-mouth marketing.


 Invesp research shows Word of a Mouth marketing impression results in 5x more sales than a paid media impression and people are 90% more likely to trust and buy from a brand recommended by a friend.


Word-of-mouth marketing is an old term, but with growing time there has been continuous development found in the way to utilize it.


Below we have brought you the cover, to know word-of-mouth marketing in deep and understand how it sets apart from all the marketing tactics.



What’s Word-of-Mouth Marketing?

Word-of-mouth marketing is a very simple way where your happy customer promotes your product/service directly in their network with their own will.


This marketing includes sharing of experience; when customers have a very happy or above expectations experience with your brand. This is the only very cost-effective marketing tactic with a high-value delivery rate.


Why word-of-mouth marketing? 


High trust value & Word-of-mouth marketing go hand in hand!


On day to day basis recommendation for any product/service comes from friends, family, colleagues, or any other close one who has previously used it and is amazed by its result.


Had this happened to you anytime, that some close one has recommended you a product even after their bad experience with it?

No! Right.


This is where trust building starts and word-of-mouth marketing gets initiated. Word-of-mouth marketing just doesn’t stop after one. It just goes from one to another, another to the next. 


Word-of-mouth marketing has the power of exponential growth since peers' recommendations are considered very valuable when it comes to gaining trust within the customer.


Statistics to boost your bottom line with word-of-mouth marketing


  1. 70% of marketers are looking to increase their online word-of-mouth spending, while 29% are off-line.
  2.  88% of people had the highest level of trust in a brand when a friend or family member recommended it. 
  3. 32% of people come across new podcasts from word-of-mouth recommendations, and 29% specifically from friends’ recommendations.
  4. Likewise, 31% of electronics purchases are heavily influenced by word-of-mouth recommendations.
  5. If a customer feels satisfied with their interaction with your business, 96% will return and will be more likely to tell the people around them. 


Type of Word of Mouth Marketing

Word-of mouth marketing can be divided into two main categories


  • Amplified word-of-mouth marketing

This Word-of-mouth marketing is directly associated with the business marketing campaign.

In which some sort of reward is used to motivate mouth publicity. Motivating and tracking are hard but with MouthPublicity.io it's quite easy!

MouthPublicity.io makes spreading the word for your business easy and puts it in your control. No matter its good customer service, amazing rewards on instant purchases, or fixed cashback in the future; these strategies keep you apart from your competitors and keep you at top of the mind of the customer.

 It also gives the customer a plus point to talk about your brand.


  • Organic Word-of-mouth marketing

Organic word-of-mouth marketing is a natural mouth-to-mouth marketing by your customer in their network. Natural word-of-mouth marketing happens only and only when your customer is happy & satisfied with your brand & its service.

Why marketers should use Word-of-Mouth Marketing?


Tell me, if you mastered and studied what is the best form of marketing, the marketing in which consumer trusts and drives most of the sale. Would you consider it in your marketing campaign or ignore it by any chance?

If you want to win the marketing race in 2022, unleash the power of word-of-mouth marketing in your business now. Many statics mentioned above clearly shows the power of word-of-mouth marketing

But still why is it that consumers value word of mouth and even marketers know it very well, still, they are ignoring it?

It's because marketers today are busy collecting rather than connecting. 100 purchasers should be valued than 1000 followers who have a 0% chance of converting into your potential customer.

Previously marketers used to focus on 4P’s but now it's time to focus on 3E for mouth publicity.


Want to know what exactly 3E’s are?

  • Engage

Engage your customer with your brand. Understand them, be part of their conversation. Run a contest, gift them some rewards to be your most potential customer.

  • Equip

Make your brand their topic of discussion. It can be anything customer service, amazing discount, few days offer, instant cashback, and so on

  • Empower

Let your customer know their importance to you. When they know that you value them a lot, they feel great and share their opinions about you more. And this is what is important to you. Right!


Why you should focus on Word-of-Mouth Marketing right now?


Word-of-mouth marketing has existed since ancient times. It was working that time too & will work now even with more force.


Technology has given us multiple platforms nowadays to connect with anyone, anytime, anywhere. Simply it has given an easier path to your customers for marketing your brand. See it with this lens!!


Currently, it just takes a few hours to make your post seen by several people. Today in hours just posted youtube video becomes the most shared video. This all is just possible with technology.


MouthPublicity.io with all its technology power has brought traditional mouth publicity into digital mouth publicity media. Just create the promotional content for your business, share it with your customer base, and see it traveling miles away in a few clicks.


But your customers share a word for your business when they are happy. Right!! Gift them, reward them for the real efforts they have taken. Gift them because they have spread the word for your brand in their network.


Wrapping up


Don’t skip on Word-of-mouth marketing, because trust me, trust and recommendation have their natural power. When friends and family recommend you, their chances of purchasing from you grow.


The best way to use this is to generate promotional content, offers, giveaways, and many more and spread it digitally through your customer with MouthPublicity.io


See be very clear to this point, no matter what strategy you are planning with word-of-mouth marketing, this should be on your list.


  • Creating attractive content that triggers customers at one go.
  • Appealing to your audience with each word.
  • Offering value
  • Making them happy with some givebacks
  • And connecting with them through an emotional touch.


Here it goes, this 2022 you are all set to double your sale with the power of Word-of-mouth marketing through MouthPublicity.io