
A survey by McKinsey shows; 92% audience trust media channels like word of mouth (WOM) over other traditional and digital media like TV, print, Facebook ads and google ads. It’s further found that they trust friends/ closed one’s reviews first, giving second priority to strangers' reviews. WOM, therefore, seems to be an appropriate kit to overcome advertising clutter in the business world. It is an act of your customer becoming your promoter.  

People talk when they are happy with your product/service and naturally they have a desire to share their enthusiasm and here word of mouth takes place. WOM is an organic process of spreading the spread word about your business. This type of marketing is great for the company but at the same time it takes a long time and it’s completely out of the company’s control.

To Bring in control and make use of the most fruitful method of Word-of-mouth marketing; Logic innovates introduced is a digital mouth publicity media. It is a marketing initiative that is intended to capture people’s attention and create word of mouth. Grabbing a customer’s attention isn’t cost-free! It needs a lot of effort and time investment. But with, you can easily do the tough task. helps you create your business promotional content and let you share it with your customer base. This customer base shares it in their network to bring you more new customers. But why would they do this? believes your business money should be spent on the right potential customers rather than being wasted! Because each penny values. makes you spend your money on your own customer who in return will bring your next customer. lets you know and track each penny invested.  Voluntary spreads constructive marketing message of your business from one of your customers to another. This takes place directly using the digital WhatsApp platform through link sharing. WOMM makes customer decision journey easy which provokes people to purchase a product. However, in today’s time hyper-digitized, uneven media environment, such an answer is not enough.

For long time people curious to know which is fruitful marketing practice.

Well, Now with all we can say is word of mouth is better and 

more effective most times now.  

When compared to other forms of traditional advertising, paid campaigns, or media we found has a great power for your business to draw in more customers for your business. One of the surveys from McKinsey shows that word of mouth can generate twice as many sales as other forms of marketing. Now, this must start to make you wonder what makes ‘ word of mouth’ click?

So let’s dive in and see How creates a positive difference for your business. Let's see Vs other marketing practices. Vs SEO



With time traditional advertising has become less and less effective. Brands are turning towards the Digital method of advertising. And with No Doubt! SEO has become the buzzword! SEO helps the brands inefficiently grow brand visibility “If done in great guidance”. But the question is “Does it drive in the customer, Does each penny invested to give a result?

No!! helps your brand visibility grow through your own customer. Your brand visibility gets hiked by each of your potential customers; when they visit your shop. Even with when your reward your customer for sharing your business promotional content; You are always aware and able to track where your link is going and in which locality your brand visibility is going. saves you on your marketing budget while giving your high brand visibility in the targeted audience who have a great chance to convert into your customer. vs Paid Campaigns


Paid Advertisements have proven themselves a turning point to the advertisement industry with Google/Facebook ads to all digital marketers like the cherry on the cake. However, with time the value of paid ads is declining. Users' interest in ads is diminishing slowly. Users are turning to ad blockers. 

In spite, Smart marketers are turning to WOM. mouth publicity media is one powerful alternative because it's based on trust; the trust which you create in your customer and they spread in their own network. leads to Trust & trust leads to an increase in purchase decisions with a higher conversion rate than any other marketing channel.

in the paid ads space, it almost takes an average of Rs 3 to a maximum of 900 bugs per click to convert the visitor into your customer. Even though there is no guarantee the lead will be closed. 

With, you on your own can decide your per click budget for each customer. makes sure your advertising money is utilized on your customer just by easily rewarding them back by giving them discounted offers, fix amount offer just to make your reach in their potential network. VS Reviews


If you want to buy Television, Who would you trust your neighbor's words or eCommerce site review? Of course your neighbor's word.

Today the reviews or testimonials have not remained the genuine source of referral or recommendation. There are thousands of reviews available today single product and by the people who have purchased around and 1000 reviews updated which are posted by the company itself. How do you know which one is genuine? Just with blind trust and faith you read and go ahead with the Product.

With, your genuine customer spreads genuine words for your business in their network. This creates guaranteed trust since it is recommended to the closed network of the customer. vs Traditional marketing practices


Traditional marketing makes you reach a wide level of audience and helps build brand awareness at a very vast level of marketing. Different types of Traditional marketing practices like Hand-outs, hoardings, print ads, event marketing, cold calling, radio ads all are done with one objective to bring in potential customers. But these traditional marketing practices target a large level of the audience but not the exact filtered audience, even it causes a big cut to your pocket. These traditional marketing practices even do not give any analytics to purpose. 

With, you are always micro-targeting your audience. Your own business locality audience is targeted by our own customers. There is detailed analytics available for your marketing. When you share your offer with your customer with, the algorithm tracks all the clicks on the offer and you get clear visibility of where your customer is taking your brand reach.


Final word

I hope now unquestionably you trust mouth publicity media as the best medium to engage and retain loyal customers and promote increased sales and revenue. But now without wasting much time, it's time to realize this fact and start working towards integrating it into your word of mouth business, if not already. We sincerely hope that you would have found this article interesting and informative, and all of your inquisitiveness concerning VS other marketing practices would have been satisfied and answered.