Looking for Simple ways to Increase your Brand Awareness?

When it comes to marketing, content needs special attention to achieve a fruitful result. Creating attractive and engaging content for any marketing campaign is very important. Promotional content designed through MouthPublicity.io is easy to use, manage or design and it is the best for brand promotions. Good and engaging promotional content directly helps you in increasing brand awareness and user engagement.

With different features of MouthPublicity.io like Share Challenge and Instant Challenge, you can create promotional content and achieve your brand awareness goal more easily through your own customers. MouthPublicity.io is a publicity media where you can easily create and share content in a more effective way and make it popular just through your own customers

What is Promotional Content?

promotion banner

Promotional content is a simple marketing tactic for promoting business content. Promotional content differs as per different business strategies. It can be offers, videos, launch event content, business updates, business alerts, and so on.

With MouthPublicity.io, a brand can create specific promotional content with some hashtags and asks customers/followers to share a piece of the same on their social network giving a specific target and then giving discounts or gifts in return.

Each time someone shares about your business, they’re entered into the zone of completing the challenge and getting the reward which is automatically sent to the customer.


How to use and run Promotional Content?

where to promote the promotional content

With MouthPublicity.io you can use promotional content in your marketing campaigns. With the Share Challenge, when you share content, customers have the target to share and achieve a specific amount of clicks. To complete the challenge, customers tend to share more and more in their network. 

They can share the promotional content in their personal network through Whatsapp, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc. to complete the challenge. These are the fundamentals of promotional content that gets spread quickly with MouthPublicity.io on social media platforms from your own customers through mouth publicity


Planning your promotional content with MouthPublicity.io


1. Do not copy the content

Do a lot of research while creating promotional content for your business. But make sure that you don't copy-paste any content from your competitor. Create unique and engaging content.


2. Use hashtags

Create easy-to-remember and popular hashtags and use them in your promotional content. Hashtags help your brand in increasing its brand awareness on social media platforms when customers share your content.


3. Select appropriate templates

MouthPublicity.io offers multiple templates while creating your promotional content. Use the appropriate template as per your promotional content strategy. You have the choice to select a different video or static image template. Make use of it at its best.


4. Set the offered challenge very wisely

While setting a challenge for sharing the content with your customer, be very cautious. Don’t set a challenge that is too easy to complete or a target that is too difficult. Keep short and achievable challenges Spread your brand name through your customer in small chunks.


5. Offer discounts to your customers

Set the discounts which make customers feel that it is beneficial for them. Since they are working hard on spreading the word for your business, the discount should do justice to their hard work. Set any discount you want like cash per click, fixed amount, or percentage discount, to give discounts and gifts to the customers after they complete the challenge


Final Words

Once your content is created with MouthPublicity.io It's time to reach your customers. Start sharing the challenge with your customers and watch them come again to your store after a few days for getting the discount. Once they complete the challenge, you just need to cross-check it on your dashboard and give them credit for their hard work.

With MouthPublicity.io you will always have the lenses to analyze and track the link you shared. You can always keep an eye on the total number of clicks and get insights into your content on the MouthPublicity.io dashboard!