Purchasers have consistently valued the opinion communicated directly to them by their family and friends. Advertisers tend to spend a lot of their money on advertisements, yet regularly what truly makes up a customer's mind isn't just very basic also not free: that’s a word of mouth from a confident source.

The word of mouth boosts the buying decision of shoppers by cutting extra noise quickly and effectively.

Fact is, mouth publicity is the essential element behind 20 to 50 percent of all buying choices. Its impact is most prominent when customers are purchasing an item that is somewhat costly. Factors that will generally make individuals do more research, look for additional opinions. 

Digital innovation has accelerated its boom, where mouth publicity is at this point where it's getting faded. But even it's about yesterday or today, no one can cross-check the power of mouth publicity.

Today, its mouth publicity works on a one-to-numerous digital communication: product reviews are posted online and opinions are disseminated through social networks.

MouthPublicity is the new era of mouth publicity marketing media, available for all businesses to grow and boost their brand’s presence without giving a big cut to your pocket.

What’s MouthPublicity? 


MouthPublicity is a publicity organic marketing tool with a never-ending sharing feature that helps rapidly multiply your customers, online and offline.

Yes, it’s like a customer magnet you can use your own customer to pull more customers.

And it works as a remarketing thing where you use your existing customer to pull more new customers.

 Of course, a trustful recommendation in a few clicks and shares from your own clients can grow your business ten times faster than any other way.

 How’s this going to work?


MouthPublicity is a less complicated and more effective tool that helps you increase your customer base with the power of mouth publicity. With the help of this tool, you will be able to create different offers which will get shared with people through your own customers, and in return, you will reward your customer.

So this is a win-win situation for you. Also, this tool will provide you the statistics of your offers & customers from which you will be able to figure out what is the status of your business and after that, you can put effort to work on the weaker part. 

MouthPublicity gives multiple options to prompt your business with a different reward back system.

  1.  Instant Challenge
  2. Share Challenge

Instant Challenge

In an instant offer business person can create an offer with social media (like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc) to reward customers instantly. The reward is totally dependent on the hands of a businessman.


Share Challenge

 In Share Challenge offer, MouthPublicity promotes a business offer and promoters get awarded in the future with certain benefits. There are different ways to reward customers in future

  • Percentage Discount 

The promoter is rewarded with a specific discount after completing the specific sharing task. 

  • Fixed amount

 The promoter is rewarded with a specific fixed amount off on the next purchase after completing the task.

  • Cashback-pay-per-click

Cashback- pay-per-click means that you pay your customer for each unique click on the offer link that you have shared with them. For Cashback offers, you can set a click amount and click limit by yourself.

Cashback offers work in a more simple way. You just need to create an offer for your customer and share that link with them. Set the redeem benefit for customers in amount per click. You are also open to setting clicks limit or click targets for customers.

In MouthPublicity, a Businessperson gets some template where he/she can create an offer/promotion he/she wants to promote. 

How does MouthPublicity measure Word of Mouth Marketing?


MouthPublicity offers a very well-designed multi-dimensional dashboard. In the dashboard, you always keep eye on your promotion activity. Once you share your offer with your customer, you can easily track the unique and extra clicks on your promotional link.

MouthPublicity measures your brand's word-of-mouth promotion through link tracking.It uses cookies to track information about user counts.



Bottom line

MouthPublicity is the best mouth publicity platform to grow your business reach. It enables you to generate offers to attract your customers. Increase the customer engagement and visitors of your brand by using MouthPublicity now