Word-Of-Mouth Marketing (WOMM), also known as mouth publicity marketing, also refers to promoting a business, product, or service through positive recommendations from satisfied customers to their friends and family. It is considered one of the most powerful forms of marketing as it relies on the trust and credibility of existing customers to influence others to make a purchase or try out a product or service.

The importance of Word-Of-Mouth marketing for businesses cannot be overstated. Studies have shown that consumers are more likely to trust recommendations from friends and family over other forms of advertising. This means that positive reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers can have a significant impact on a business's reputation.

We have figured out some of the word-of-mouth marketing statistics. Let's check out how useful mouth publicity marketing is and needed for your business.

Word-Of-Mouth Marketing and Consumer Belief

1. 94% of customers believe recommendations from friends and family more than advertising.

2. Beyond friends and family, 89% of people trust online reviews by other users as much as they trust suggestions from personal contacts.

3. 78% of people don’t believe adverts, yet 94% trust suggestions from family and friends, and 75% trust consumer reviews.

4. People are 91% more likely to trust and buy from a brand suggested by a known person.

5. 93% of consumers placed the highest level of trust in word-of-mouth recommendations from people they know.

6. 85% of people don’t trust paid advertisements.

7. When planning a marriage or any other big function, word of mouth from friends and family has relied on 39% more than regular advertising.

8. 61% of customers will visit a local business website/store after reading positive and helpful reviews.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing Statistics

Word-Of-Mouth Marketing and Return on Investment (ROI)

9.   75% of consumers identify word of mouth as a key influencer in their shopping decisions.

10. Researchers found a 15% increase in word-of-mouth in both online and offline businesses, which translated into a sales lift between  0.2 – 1.9%.

11. Word-of-mouth is even more effective than paid ads resulting in 6-7 times more sales.

12. 68% of marketers agree that word-of-mouth is the most effective form of marketing.

13.  Most marketers (85%) use mouth publicity marketing because it increases brand awareness and brand trust.  

14. 46% of marketers use mouth publicity marketing to increase sales. 

15. A significant portion of purchasing decisions is influenced by word of mouth marketing, ranging from 20% to 50% depending on the  industry and product/service being offered.

MouthPublicity statistics

Word-Of-Mouth Marketing For Business To Business (B2B)

16. When buying business software, 86% of users choose based on colleagues’ recommendations. 

17. 10% of B2B marketers find mouth publicity marketing effective in promoting live events for marketing purposes.

18. Mouth publicity is considered one of the top traffic sources for small businesses.

19. 25% of businesses plan to use mouth publicity marketing in their yearly marketing strategy. 

20. 92% of B2B buyers are more likely to make a purchase decision after reading a trusted review.

21. 85% of marketers said that exceptional service was their method for promoting their mouth to happen.

22. 64% of Word of Mouth Marketing Association survey respondents mostly or completely agree that mouth publicity marketing is more effective than traditional marketing.

23. 55% of marketers have incorporated mouth publicity marketing into their traditional marketing campaigns.


b2b word of mouth stats infographic


Word-Of-Mouth Marketing, Brand Loyalty,  And Trust

24. Customers acquired through mouth publicity marketing spend 20% more than the average customer.

25. 32% of people say that mouth publicity increases brand affinity (a customer’s common values with a brand).

26. 70% of brands plan to increase their online Mouth Publicity Marketing spend, and 29% will increase their offline word-of-mouth marketing spend.

27. 86% of brands use word-of-mouth marketing to increase their brand awareness, but 45% expect mouth publicity marketing to improve their direct sales. 

word of mouth stats on brand, loyalty and trust infographic

Word-Of-Mouth Marketing and Brand Discovery

28.  Millennials (Gen Y) were 40% more likely to discover brands through recommendations from friends and family.

29. Generation X is the most likely to discover products through mouth publicity, with 22% regularly finding products this way. 

30. Generation Z, only 14% find new products by mouth publicity marketing.

word of mouth stats on marketing and brand discovery infographic

Word-Of-Mouth Marketing and Offline vs Online

31. 73% of marketers are looking to increase their online mouth publicity marketing spending, while 34% are offline.

32. 24% of shoppers bought something in a physical store in 2022 based on a friend’s recommendation.

33. 39% of users decided on which restaurant or cafe to eat at based on mouth publicity recommendations. 

34.  Likewise, 33% of electronic goods purchases are influenced by mouth publicity marketing.

35. 45% of total users who became aware of a product through word-of-mouth made the purchase instantaneously. 

word stats on marketing and offline vs online infographic

Word-Of-Mouth Marketing for Small Businesses

36. 19% of marketers find mouth publicity marketing effective in promoting live events for marketing purposes. 

37.  65% of businesses use word-of-mouth recommendations to recruit for open positions.

word of mouth stats of small business infographic


Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) consistently ranks highest in marketing. Because it is more effective than other forms of marketing. The crucialness of creating a positive customer experience and encouraging satisfied customers is to share their experiences with others. By leveraging the power of mouth marketing, businesses can build a loyal customer base, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales. 

Hence when you offer a unique and positive experience, you will automatically receive some positive word-of-mouth. The purpose of this article is to assist you to improve the incoming praise and leverage the positive Public Relation.

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