Boost public relation

Personalised Messages

  1. You can add messages that you’d like to share with the “Add Message” button.
  2. Schedule your message by selecting the date and time.
  3. Choose your audience for the message amongst ICE and Messaging API.
  4. Select your template and you’re good to go!


  1. Use the edit icon to choose amongst the templates for birthdays or anniversaries respectively.
  2. Turn the message toggle on if you’d like to start sending birthday or anniversary greetings.


  1. Turn the toggle on for the upcoming festivals you’d like to wish your customers on.
  2. Use the edit icon to schedule the message and select the contact group you want to wish to.


Send Invites

  1. Automatically invite newly added customers to participate in “Invite Friends” via messaging by turning the toggle on.
  2. Invitations will be sent to the new customers at 10:00 AM.
  3. Choose the contact group you’d like to invite to participate in “Invite Friends”.