Features of MouthPublicity.io

Launching Your Mouth Publicity Campaign Made Easy

Here is a simple description for you to understand our features

How Instant customer Engagement works

1) Ask your happy customers to take challenge

When a customer is at your store online or offline, just before payment ask them to take an simple challenge in exchange for a gift or discount to like, follow or share your page or post on different social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Review).

Ask your happy customers
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2) Create & Customise the offers/discounts

You can create challenges with MouthPublicity.io and decide the number of tasks to be completed by the customer so that they can avail the gift or discount.

For example, there are 7 activities in the options and if you offer to give 10% discount on completing 2 tasks, then if the customer likes your facebook page and shares your instagram post, then the 2 tasks are completed and the customer qualifies for the 10% discount through a redeem code.

Create & Customise the offers
3) Track & Confirmed the task completion by customers

All actions are monitored by MouthPublicity.io to make sure the tasks in the challenges are completed correctly and successfully.

Track & Confirmed the task completion

How Invite Friends works

1) Send Invite Friends to the same customer on scheduled time

When a customer avails an Instant Customer Engagement or any message using MouthPublicity.io API integrated with your billing software , then just set the time at which you want the Invite Friends to be sent to the customers. The challenge can be shared individually or in groups.

Invite Friends
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2) Let customers complete the challenge by sharing the link in their personal networks

A link will be sent through Invite Friends in which you will ask your customer to share the link in their personal network ( family,friends etc.) and based on the number of clicks and target set, the customer will get a discount, gift or a cashback.

For example if the customer brings 10 clicks and the amount per click set by you is 10 rupees per click, then the customer will get 100 rupees off on their next purchase.

It is important to note that the customer will only get the discount if the challenge is completed and they buy something from the store.

The total number of clicks are monitored in the dashboard.

Let customers complete the challenge

How Automated Social Post works

1) Connect & Manage your social media accounts with MouthPublicity.io

Connect social media accounts with MouthPublicity.io using the Automated Social Post channel to easily manage social media campaigns and you can easily check if the content is scheduled, unscheduled or posted.

Connect & Manage your social media
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2) Publish & Schedule the created content on social media channels from Single Dashboard

Design your content for social media using our templates and post it on Twitter, Facebook etc. simultaneously at the same time with a single click or schedule it for automatic post and start your campaign on a pre-decided date.

Publish & Schedule the created content
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3) Track the Insights & See how well you’re doing on Social Media

Use our dashboard to track all insights and statistics to evaluate and compare the performance of your posts based on clicks, like, share etc. among all social media platforms.

Track the Insights

How Boost Public Relations works

1) Customise, Write & Save message templates

Select a ready-made message template from the Boost Public Relations or create and add your own message. You can select the exact date and time at which you want your message to be shared with the customers.

Customise, Write & Save message
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2) Set Alerts, Offers, New Arrivals, BirthDay, Anniversary Messages on Autopilot

The message will consist of an ongoing or an upcoming offer or business updates along with any of these greetings like birthday wish, anniversary wish or a festive greeting. You can send a Boost Public Relations individually or in groups.

Messages on Autopilot
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3) Keep track of message delivery rates & status

You can get the status of your message to see if the message is active, failed or in process. You can also view the message history to keep a record of the shared messages.

Keep track of message delivery

If you have any queries, just contact us on +917887882244 or care@mouthpublicity.io